
QR2MSE2024 is an international forum for exchange of innovative ideas, cutting-edge research results, and applications of asset management, reliability and quality tools in design, manufacturing, and operation and maintenance of engineering systems. Papers dealing with case studies, reliability data generation, experimental results, best design practice, and effective asset management solutions are of particular interest. All papers accepted will be included in the conference proceedings and IET Conference Proceedings and indexed by EI Compendex. Selected papers will be published in special issues of international journals indexed by SCI.

■ Important Dates

  • Full Paper Submission Deadline        May 31, 2024 Extended to June 15, 2024
  • Full Paper Acceptance Notification   June 15, 2024 Extended to June 30, 2024
  • Camera Ready Papers Due                 June 30, 2024 Extended to July 10, 2024

■ Sponsors

■ Organizers

■ Co-Organizers